ERDPro® Extended Reach Drilling Engineering Software

ERDPro® Extended Reach Drilling Engineering Software

HXR Drilling Services, in partnership with Pegasus Vertex, Inc., has developed ERDPro®, the industry’s newest, most advanced modular well design and field engineering software suite tailored to horizontal and extended reach drilling operations.

ERDPro combines advanced drilling engineering and well design planning modules with calibrated field data inputs, allowing both client personnel as well as our own on-site Drilling Specialists not only to make accurate modeling predictions for wells in the planning stages, but also to use actual parameters seen on the rig during the drilling operation itself to predict upcoming well conditions. In addition, this ability to calibrate torque and drag as well as SPP and ECD on the rig allows for baseline trends to be calculated and monitored, real time, by our on-site Drilling Specialists, and any deviation from the trends can be quickly identified, evaluated and addressed before a minor problem becomes a major issue.



ERDPro® Specifications

ERDPro is an integrated suite of drilling engineering and well design software that features field-calibrated rigsite inputs of actual measured data, including SPP, ECD, ESD, drilling and off-bottom torque, flow rate, and ROP as well as hook load modeling. It features T&D, buckling, hydraulics and swab/surge analysis with 3-D output capability, all within a single database. This single database allows for common input of surveys, bottomhole assemblies, formation pressure curves and hole profiles that are used for all scenarios.

Unlike many drilling software suites available on the market today, ERDPro offers multiple depth-based friction factor and flow rate outputs to allow the user to easily visualize ECD, SPP, torque and hook loads at any point in the wellbore. This allows the operator to be able to prepare for upcoming changes that will need to be made in the well, such as the need to decrease flow rate at a certain depth to keep ECD below FG or to stay below liner rating, or the need to rotate the string to bottom due to the inability to slack off any further. In addition, ERDPro allows for the torque and drag modeling of casing rotation and mud-over-air operations, as well as surge and swab ECD calculations while pumping and rotating. Centralizer and downhole friction-reduction tool effects can be modeled, as well as the effect those tools will have on ECD. ERDPro also takes into account ROP and RPM on ECD and swab/surge, as well as hole-cleaning time.

What sets ERDPro apart from many other software suites on the market is its ability to take actual rig-floor measured data and incorporate it into the planning modules for a more accurate representation of the actual conditions in the wellbore. ERDPro takes into account actual rig-floor parameters (hook loads, torque, flow rate, SPP, ROP) and MWD/LWD-derived ECD/ESD values and allows the user to calibrate pipe weight, mud weight, downhole rheology and BHA-equivalent flow area to create a model that accurately projects conditions for the rest of the run.

Key software elements: Comprehensive, single-point database software suite for well planning/design and field data inputs

  • Simple field data input for planning model adjustments to real-world drilling conditions
  • Multiple torque and drag friction factors
  • Data trend evaluation for recognition of parameter variations
  • User-controlled flow rate ranges for SPP and ECD calculation
  • Integration of ROP and RPM data for ECD and swab/surge calculations
  • Model thinner/thicker mud effects with rheology percent adjustment
  • Compatible with other stand-alone HXR/PVI engineering modules
  • 3-D graphical output (T&D and hydraulics)
  • Convenient copy/paste functions for data input
  • Effect of downhole tools on T&D and Hyd/SS
  • Modeling of specialized casing running operations (floating, MOA)
  • Modeling of swab/surge while rotating and pumping at multiple speeds
  • Multiple flow rate models
  • “Split flow” modeling for underreaming operations
  • Enhanced MPD backpressure modeling
  • Fatigue/stress analysis
  • Max WOB/TOB calculations
  • FF reduction/increase calculations
  • Advanced 3-layer hole-cleaning models (cutting sbed thickness, cleanup times, volumes)
  • Managed Pressure Drilling (MPD) calculations and modeling
  • LAS input and graphical plotting
  • MSE/DSE calculations
  • Temperature profile effects +/- WT and rheology

In addition to ERDPro, HXR offers, for sale or lease, the entire suite of Pegasus Vertex, Inc., advanced engineering planning modules. These modules are designed to be stand-alone and are tailored to those end users with a specific engineering need. All of our software offerings come with an available update and maintenance plan.

Engineering Modules

Click here to view all of the advanced Engineering Modules offered by HXR Drilling Services and Pegasus Vertex, Inc.

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