Pore Pressure Evaluation

Pore Pressure Evaluation

The core of HXR’s Deepwater Drilling division is our pore pressure evaluation service. It is a critical element to any drilling operation, and allows for the drilling operation to be conducted in a safe fashion, with minimum risk to personnel or the environment. The proper placement of casing points and MW is key to this. We can provide predrill planning services as well as on-site pressure engineering, conducted by our Pore Pressure Specialists, during the operational phase of the project. This service is typically offered in conjunction with our on-site extended reach drilling (ERD) engineering service, which is provided by our highly trained ERD Drilling Specialists.

While the deepwater offshore market is typically where pore pressure evaluation is focused, our service, due to the capabilities of the software, can also be used in onshore environments where there is the possibility of encountering significant uplift. Using enhanced temperature models for resistivity modeling, shallow water HPHT shelf wells can also be modeled accurately.

Our Pore Pressure Specialists utilize our proprietary pressure software, DEEPWATERPro®.

Functionality highlights include:

  • Uses RHOB, Sonic (DT slowness), Seismic, Resistivity, Dexp, MSE/DSE Inputs.
  • 2-D / 3-D Seismic/Sonic Stacks – uses multiple 1-D velocities along actual wellpath to account for changes as the well is drilled out (ERD development wells).
  • Utilizes various basin models (Eaton, Modified Eaton, etc.). New models / user-defined models can be added, and they can all be modified.
  • Log viewer that allows for all of the data to be viewed/QC’d.
  • “Lookahead” capability – allows for the user, using the current pressure change, to project “X” ahead of current position to model what pressure may be; gives rig team an idea of what they may potentially be facing if drilling continues..
  • It can automatically, from cation exchange (an X-plot of res/sonic), pick out “clean” shales.
  • Salts, wet sands, and other special models can be interpreted (sands may show regression due to hydrostatic effect, etc.).
  • Simple LAS reader.
  • Takes into account formation uplift and varying water depth for offsets
  • Common datum automatically calculated.
  • Uplift.

Future additions will include:

  1. A SEG-Y file reader
  2. Enhanced Daily Reporting function
  3. Enhanced presentation capability
  4. Add additional fracture gradient (FG) models to software – increase/update library
  5. Enhanced X-plotting capabilities